Friday, October 16, 2009

Thekkady Tragedy

Hope you heard about the tragedy in Thekay lake which took the
precious lives of 45 people including men ,women ,and children when the boat
of Kerala Tourism Development Corporation capsised at Thttekad .Usually
political parties and organisations make a hue and cry for the resignation
of the person on top. Here nothing happened .Sasi Taroor was asked to resign
for a "cattle class '"comment. Killing 45 innocents who came to see the God's own
country from various parts of India doesn't even call for resignation. Ha what a pity.
What happened to the consience of educated kerala and socio political leaders .
The Chairman of ktdc ,the former idealist, Mr. Cherian Philip is still clinging to the chair.
Shame !!! Is he so shameless ? Think he should take up the responsibility and resign.
But he won't because he is with Pinaray Vijayan now .

Saturday, August 1, 2009

To me 2009 when began was a year of hope and change.

Seven months have passed.My hopes come true.The ordinary

Indians are in the path of changing the destiny of our nation.

They have begun to understand the maya's ,lalu's,mulayam's

Karat's and paswan's.A good start for our great country.Hope

they will recognise the karuna, jaya and vijaya also soon .

Actually there is no darkness. The sun is always emitting light.

We do not see due to the rotation of earth.Norway is an example.

On November 6th 1983 "The Illustrated Weeklyof India"published

a few poems of GITANJALI who was born in Meerut on 12th June 1961

and died of cancer in Bombay on 11th August 1977.

Let me reproduce one poem named " The Glory of The Sun "

"Every evening when

the day meets the dusk

I sit in my window

And watch the sinking sun

When the light fades away

Slowly and the hours

Grow quiet and lonely

My heart too sinks

Within my soul ( Lost last few lines)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I was away for a very long time now. During my
absence I have been reading and dreaming a lot.
I read
" Life is only travelled once
Today's moments are tomorrow's memory
Enjoy every moment, good or bad
Because the gift of life is life itself
Live well , laugh often
Love with all your heart.
Have you heard

Smile is a curve that can set
A lot of things straight.
A criminal is a guy no different from others,
unless he gets caught .
Compromise , is the art of dividing
a cake in such a way that everybody
believes he got the biggest piece .